This is a section of our website dedicated to info that might be most useful to our teenaged population.


Teens - Can I see the GP or Nurses on my own?

Did you know that if you want to see a doctor or nurse you don't always have to have your parents with you, or even their permission to come here and be seen?



Going away to uni this year?

Give us a ring and we can give you the Men ACWY vaccination before you go. It’s a vaccination against 4 types of Meningitis – Men A, Men C, Men W and Men Y. You’ll have had vaccinations against Meningitis C when you were little but this is a booster to ensure immunity in new environments. Illnesses thrive in places where there are a lot of people. And in freshers week, there will be a LOT of people!

The Men ACWY vaccination is aimed at all 2015 Freshers aged 17-18 but if you are a second or third year going back, give us a ring if you are interested in the vaccination and we will pass your query onto our nurses.


Useful Links